If you visit my blog, charctersontheccouch.com, you’ll find my writings on film.
My Writings On Film
My film writings will show you how I think when I work in my office, as I apply my psychoanalytic thoughts to the real human problems of your favorite film and TV characters.
Each time I go to the movies, view a film on Hulu or Netflix, or watch a TV series, I can’t help but understand the characters in the same ways I understand my patients. And, when I do, I get inspired to write. This, I then bring to my Characters on the Couch blog. It’s amazing how films and TV can depict real human problems with startling accuracy. Do you wonder why?
Writers bring their own experiences to their fictional characters as they write. When we watch a film or a TV series, these characters become even more convincing by what we bring from our own pasts and present. Our unconscious minds unite with the characters. We relate. Personal experience is made public. We see. It’s true. The unconscious struggles of these characters show us what we can’t so easily see about other people or ourselves. We know.
So, that’s what I do in my writings on film at Characters on the Couch. I offer you a psychological narrative of what I see in ways similar to how I talk with my patients.
Consultation with Actors, Writers, Directors & Studios
I’ve had over 35 years of clinical and psychoanalytic experience working intensively with a variety of difficult psychological and life struggles. I apply this understanding to help directors, writers, actors, or studio development teams think deeply about their characters.
Psychologically troubled or complex characters pose a challenge to depict and write about in a believable way. Film and TV are the best mediums for universal psychological experiences. My experience and psychological work come in handy when the interpretation of a character or a complex set of life circumstances just doesn’t seem to hold together. Since we come to film and TV not just for entertainment but to understand confusing aspects of ourselves and others, psychological accuracy and credibility is critical.
Schedule a consultation
Email me at sandracohenphd@gmail.com
Or call me at (310) 273-4827
Visit charactersonthecouch.com for a full description of my Entertainment Services.