Writings On Film
Characters On The Couch

If you visit my blog, charctersontheccouch.com, you’ll find my writings on film.
My Writings On Film
My writings on film show how I think when I work in my office. On my blog at charactersonthecouch.com, I write, creatively, on film, as I apply my psychoanalytic thoughts to the real human problems of your favorite movie and TV characters.
Each time I see a movie, view a film on Apple, Hulu, or Netflix, or watch a TV series, I can’t help but think about the characters in the same ways I understand my patients. And, when I do, I get inspired to write a piece for my film blog. My blog pieces reveal how movies and TV characters depict real human problems with startling accuracy. Do you wonder why?
Writers bring their experiences to fictional characters as they write. When we watch a film or a TV series, these characters become even more convincing by what we bring, emotionally, to the experience as we watch. Our unconscious minds unite with the characters as our past and present resonate. We relate. The unconscious struggles of these characters show us what we can’t so easily identify about other people or ourselves. Do you want to know more?
Visit charactersonthecouch.com.