Dr. Sandra E. Cohen

Persistent Depression Treatment

Need Persistent Depression Treatment?
6 Things To Look For

You’ve been depressed for a long time. Your depression doesn’t let up. Now, you’re wondering if maybe this is the time to get some help. But, you don’t know what kind of help to look for. Or what kind of treatment really helps persistent depression? Maybe you’ve been in therapy before or maybe even many…
what eating disorders are really about & it's not food

What Eating Disorders
Are Really About
& It’s Not Food

Your life may be focused on food. Yet, believe it or not, food is not what eating disorders are about. Yes, they are about hunger – or that you’re not supposed to have it.   But, the problem is with your emotional hungers, not physical ones. Hunger is a complicated thing. Maybe you’re not supposed…
8 Effects of Childhood Trauma & What You Can Do About It Now

Effects Of Childhood Trauma
& What You Can Do About It Now

Childhood trauma has deep psychological effects. You might feel like it’s affected your brain, but what’s happened to you leaves psychological scars. And, those scars mostly affect your mind, not your brain. You live in fear. That’s the reality. And, it’s a stressful way to live. It’s a sign that you’re experiencing Post Traumatic Stress…
Anxiety Diagnosis 5 things you need to know

Do You Have
An Anxiety Diagnosis?
7 Things To Think About

You just saw your doctor and you’ve been given an anxiety diagnosis. But what does that mean? You have no idea what to do next. Here are 5 things to know if you’ve been given an anxiety diagnosis. They just might be important food for thought. What Is Anxiety? You might not have been exactly…
how sexual abuse affects future relationships if its untreated

How Sexual Abuse
Affects Future Relationships
If It’s Untreated

You’ve lived with the after-effects of sexual abuse for too long. Now, you’re wondering if it’s affecting your relationships. The answer is yes. Here are some reasons why. Sexual abuse makes it hard to trust. You’re never sure if someone wants to use you. If someone appears caring and kind, do they really want to…
how to overcome creative blocks 5 steps

Stuck In A Creative Block?
5 Steps To Get Out

Here you are again. Staring at a blank page. A brand new empty canvas. Audition pages; challenging you to come up with a take that can’t be resisted. You’re stuck. It’s frustrating. You don’t like this one bit. So, what do you do? If you’re stuck in a creative block, how do you get out? Could…
what to do if your depression is persistent psychotherapy 4 things a psychotherapist must do

What If Your Depression Is Persistent?
4 Things A Psychotherapist Must Do

Does your depression go on and on? That means your depression is persistent. And, that’s a very hard thing to live with. It’s sometimes almost impossible to wake up in the morning to face another day. You finally get up, put on a good face, go to work or school. You do your best. But,…
can eating disorders cause depression yes but it's not that simple

Can Eating Disorders
Cause Depression?
Here’s Why It’s Not That Simple

You’re Caught In A Vicious Cycle You’ve been wondering, can eating disorders cause depression? You’re feeling pretty down. Food is all you have on your mind and it’s really hard. Whether your eating disorder is anorexia, restrictive eating, binging and purging, or just plain binging, you’re trying desperately to control what you put into your…
Starving To Disappear What Are You Trying To Make Go Away?

Starving To Disappear
What Are You Making
“Go Away”?

“I want to disappear.” That fantasy of being skinnier and skinnier to evaporate into a numbing, relieving, nothingness is more complicated than it seems. Starving yourself is, on the surface, directed towards food and your body and whatever “fat” you feel you don’t have control over. You want to get rid of it for good.…