Childhood Trauma

Numbness and Transgenerational Trauma Can't Feel Your Feelings? Your Numbness Could be Transgenerational Trauma

Can’t Feel Your Feelings? Your Numbness May Be Transgenerational Trauma

Numbing your pain is not a conscious choice. It could be transgenerational trauma. Numbness is a common survival strategy, a self-protection from emotional overwhelm, beginning in childhood, during and after trauma. And, it’s often passed down for generations. Transgenerational trauma is real and numbness and trauma go together. Without knowing it, you experience your parents’…
Hunger for Love Can Steer You Wrong

Why Hunger for Love Can Steer You Wrong

Hunger for love can steer you wrong. Do you end up with critical partners who make you feel like you’re asking too much and gaslight you into feeling something’s wrong with you? You can’t figure out if that’s true. Here’s the reality. Many things might blind you: 1. Turning away from safe love because real…
Breaking Free of Secrets After Childhood Sexual Abuse

Breaking Free of Secrets After Childhood Sexual Abuse

You were sexually abused and violated by someone you needed to trust. Now, you struggle with whether or not to keep your childhood sexual abuse a secret and who is safe to tell. Secrets leave you much too alone. But is anyone safe? Your trust is fragile and you’re wary of people. Understandably. The question…
Do You See (or Not See) Red Flags? From The Film Woman of the Hour

Do You See (Or Not See) Red Flags? From The Film Woman of the Hour

Who will hurt you the most? That’s the hidden question in Anna Kendrick’s Woman of the Hour.  And, as a woman, how do you tell? It’s by seeing (or not seeing) red flags. Sometimes, you can’t see them when you’re lonely or hungry for attention and love. Other times, when you have reasons not to…
Why Most Adults Who Suffered Childhood Trauma Are Still Suffering

Why Most Adults Who Suffered Childhood Trauma Are Still Suffering

Adults suffering childhood trauma is all too common, even if you thought you got over it. You grew up. Did the best you could and “moved on.” But, you’ve had a lot of struggles. You’ve suffered anxiety. You don’t feel lovable. And, you haven’t been able to find love that works. You’re afraid of wanting…
Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults 9 Signs of

9 Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults & What To Do About It

Do you think you might have childhood trauma? Something’s been nagging at you. You can’t remember anything specific, but you’ve been wondering about it. You’ve heard about repressed childhood trauma in adults. What is that exactly? Do you have it? How could you find out? That’s a tough question If you did suffer trauma in…
6 Ways Abandonment as A Child Affects You Healing Means a Place to Grieve

6 Ways Abandonment
As A Child Affects You
Healing Means a Place to Grieve

Did you suffer abandonment as a child? Were you neglected? The child of divorce. In foster care. Or left to figure things out on your own? If so, you may still be suffering the effects. It’s very likely that you have abandonment trauma and don’t know it. This can go on for years. It’s never…
4 Ways Being With A Narcissist Hurts Your Self-Esteem & How To Get It Back

How Do You Get Over a Narcissist
& Get Your Self-Esteem Back?

Do you think you’re in a relationship with a narcissist? Here’s what you need to know about how dating a narcissist changes you and very likely has hurt your self-esteem: Narcissists draw you in with their charm and compliments. But what do you do now that you’re living with constant hurt, deprivation, confusion, and feeling…
Afraid of Love? Normal Fear or Philophobia?

Normal Fears or Philophobia?

Do you have Philophobia? Are you wondering what that is? Ask yourself these questions: Are you afraid of love? Making excuses not to get too close? Are you in and out, often pushing someone away? Do you tell yourself you’re satisfied with only casual sex? Did you know that if your fear of love is…