childhood trauma

Are You Scared to Speak Out? Here’s How to Find Your Voice

Are You Scared to Speak Out?
Here’s How to Find Your Voice

Are you scared to speak out? That’s not unusual if you live with “shoulds” or “should not’s” that are stopping you inside your mind. But, even so, it’s not impossible to find your voice. However, it does take some courage and understanding. So, here’s how. Yes, people all over the country are speaking out and…
How Childhood Trauma Increases Germaphobia in COVID-19 Ways to Understand & Defeat Your Fears

COVID-19 Germaphobia
& Childhood Trauma
Ways To Defeat Your Fears

Do you have COVID-19 germaphobia? Are you very anxious about invisible germs? Here are things that can help. Even if you weren’t germaphobic or hypochondriacal before, these fears can take over in the dangerous situation we’re all in during COVID-19. But how much danger is there and exactly where? One thing is true. There are…
unresolved childhood trauma can leak into your adult life

Concerned Your Childhood Trauma
(That Includes Neglect)
Is Leaking Into Your Adult Life?

You haven’t been feeling yourself lately. And, you’ve been wondering: are you suffering from unresolved childhood trauma? You thought it was over. But, could your trauma be leaking into your adult life, making you feel everything is turned upside down? If that’s so, why now? “Why now” probably seems like the 60 million dollar question.…
secrets of childhood trauma reasons & psychological problems

Keeping Childhood Trauma A Secret?
That Leads To Psychological Problems

You’ve kept your childhood trauma a secret out of shame and fear. There was no one safe to tell. Now, you don’t know who you can trust. If you open up, you’re afraid of being judged or punished. It’s a lonely way to live. Childhood trauma is devastating, no matter what form it takes. It…
Persistent Depression Treatment

Need Persistent Depression Treatment?
6 Things To Look For

You’ve been depressed for a long time. Your depression doesn’t let up. Now, you’re wondering if maybe this is the time to get some help. But, you don’t know what kind of help to look for. Or what kind of treatment really helps persistent depression? Maybe you’ve been in therapy before or maybe even many…
8 Effects of Childhood Trauma & What You Can Do About It Now

Effects Of Childhood Trauma
& What You Can Do About It Now

Childhood trauma has deep psychological effects. You might feel like it’s affected your brain, but what’s happened to you leaves psychological scars. And, those scars mostly affect your mind, not your brain. You live in fear. That’s the reality. And, it’s a stressful way to live. It’s a sign that you’re experiencing Post Traumatic Stress…
Self-Lies & Alternative Facts When Reality is Just Too Hard To Swallow

“Alternative Facts”& Self-Lies
When Reality Is Just
Too Hard To Swallow

Isn’t a fact a fact? Well, Kellyanne Conway, the President’s Chief Advisor said the most mind boggling thing on MSNBC Sunday morning, 1/22/17. When asked by Chuck Todd how she could argue with facts about the numbers at Trump’s inauguration, Conway said she was presenting “alternative facts.” But, a sum is a sum. Right? So,…
Boxes, Shells, Retreats From Life, and Bubbles

Retreat From Life
Boxes, Shells & Bubbles

Are you wondering why you retreat from life when you don’t know how to manage uncomfortable feelings? You’ve probably heard people say: “I feel boxed in. I’m going into my shell. She’s retreated from life. He lives in a bubble.” Maybe you feel this way yourself. But, how easy is it to stop and think…