
Are You Scared to Speak Out? Here’s How to Find Your Voice

Are You Scared to Speak Out?
Here’s How to Find Your Voice

Are you scared to speak out? That’s not unusual if you live with “shoulds” or “should not’s” that are stopping you inside your mind. But, even so, it’s not impossible to find your voice. However, it does take some courage and understanding. So, here’s how. Yes, people all over the country are speaking out and…
can eating disorders cause depression yes but it's not that simple

Can Eating Disorders
Cause Depression?
Here’s Why It’s Not That Simple

You’re Caught In A Vicious Cycle You’ve been wondering, can eating disorders cause depression? You’re feeling pretty down. Food is all you have on your mind and it’s really hard. Whether your eating disorder is anorexia, restrictive eating, binging and purging, or just plain binging, you’re trying desperately to control what you put into your…