Sandra E. Cohen Ph.D.

can anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, ocd be cured? yes here's how

Can Anxiety Be Cured?
Yes, And Here’s How

Anxiety is immobilizing. It makes you scared and interferes with almost everything you do (or try to do). If you have constant generalized anxiety; panic attacks; or obsessive worry, you know this all too well. And living in a pandemic for over a year, you don’t know what’s safe anymore. You may even be scared…
Anxiety Diagnosis 5 things you need to know

Do You Have
An Anxiety Diagnosis?
7 Things To Think About

You just saw your doctor and you’ve been given an anxiety diagnosis. But what does that mean? You have no idea what to do next. Here are 5 things to know if you’ve been given an anxiety diagnosis. They just might be important food for thought. What Is Anxiety? You might not have been exactly…