sexual abuse
Sexual Abuse Victims Must Be Heard
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
The #Me Too Movement opened the door for voices of sexual abuse victims to be heard. If you’re a victim of sexual abuse, it’s very important to speak out. Here’s why: Scars Of Sexual Abuse Can Last A Lifetime Sexual abuse is a terrible violation and betrayal. You had no control. Couldn’t say “no.” You…
Concerned Your Childhood Trauma
(That Includes Neglect)
Is Leaking Into Your Adult Life?
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
You haven’t been feeling yourself lately. And, you’ve been wondering: are you suffering from unresolved childhood trauma? You thought it was over. But, could your trauma be leaking into your adult life, making you feel everything is turned upside down? If that’s so, why now? “Why now” probably seems like the 60 million dollar question.…
How Sexual Abuse
Affects Future Relationships
If It’s Untreated
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
You’ve lived with the after-effects of sexual abuse for too long. Now, you’re wondering if it’s affecting your relationships. The answer is yes. Here are some reasons why. Sexual abuse makes it hard to trust. You’re never sure if someone wants to use you. If someone appears caring and kind, do they really want to…