6 Ways to Outwit Despair
In COVID-19 Quarantine
Feel trapped in the quarantine of COVID-19? Here are 6 ways to outwit despair. Even if you see no clear way out, don’t think it’s dangerous to hope. It’s not. Hope is a necessary thing. It’s what breaks through those bars of despair.
Be inspired to live, even if it’s different.
Don’t give in or give up.
Here’s how:
Hold on to who you are (and were.) The special music inside your mind? It’s you. And, even in what seems like solitary confinement, no one can take that away.
1. Find that special music inside – it’s You
What do you love? Remember those things now. Any creative pleasure. Important people. A cause that is a passion. These are the things that will keep you feeling alive.
Things that are Your inner music. Real music helps. Listen. Sing. Dance. Move.
Remember all the things that lift your spirit. Find new ones you haven’t done.
Now is the time. Do all the things you didn’t do. Explore. (Or, even soar?)
Outwit despair. By using these 6 ways. And remembering who you are.
2. Outwit despair (don’t let it break you)
Yes, remember who you are. The things you love. People you care about and care about you. Reach out. Connect to them. And, to the life you have. That’s what outwits despair.
It’s hard when so much has changed. Not seeing an end in sight.
That can lead to gloom.
And, gloom can make the voice of despair, inside your head, very strong.
Talk back to that voice.
Don’t let despair or sadness take away your hope or your plans for the future.
3. Think hope is dangerous? Think again
Do you think hope is dangerous? That’s the voice of despair talking. Telling you: “It’s safer not to hope. You hoped before and look what happened. Better not.”
You might think that makes sense. But, really, does it?
It only shuts down possibilities.
“Hope is a good thing. And, no good thing ever dies.”
From: The Shawshank Redemption.
Don’t stop imagining. Feed your hope. Starve your fear. Watch an uplifting film.
4. Let real friends help you
Turn to a friend. Or, trusted family. Let them remind you there is someone on the other end of the phone. Life on the other side.
Give them a chance to be the voice of hope.
People, that know you? They can bring you back to who you are.
Were. Will be again.
Encouraging words. An ear to listen. Understanding. Shared memories.
Even a laugh. It all helps.
Use every resource you have; every real friend, to help you get through.
You can outwit despair.
5. Get busy living (don’t give up)
There’s another famous line in The Shawshank Redemption:
“Get busy living. Or get busy dying. It’s your choice.” It’s a deep truth. Now is the time to find new ways to live.
This isn’t the time to give up or give in to hopelessness.
Being down is understandable.
Cry. Grieve for what was. That’s a good thing. Crying helps.
But, don’t let despair stop you.
You can’t live the way you did. And, that’s very sad. But, be creative.
(Use these 6 ways to outwit despair.) Find different ways.
6. Freedom has a new face
Try to visualize. Freedom in this time of COVID-19 can have a new face. Yes, we live in restrictions. Social distancing. Wearing masks. More isolation for some than for others.
Right now, think of it this way: freedom is inside you.
Sound trite? It’s not meant to be.
Each of us can be as free as we can to dream. Imagine. Create. Reach out.
And, HOPE.
The most important thing? Outwit despair. Do all the things you can to keep your head up and hope alive.
We can get through this. And, we will. Together. Masks and all.
Remember these 6 ways to outwit despair.
There is a future beyond COVID-19. No doubt about it.
With a different face or not.
Hope defeats the voice of despair. And, that’s the best thing in the world.
Do you want to read more? Here’s my piece about The Shawshank Redemption on my film blog, Characters On The Couch. Watch the film! It’s inspiring.