Dr. Sandra E. Cohen
Sexual Abuse Victims Must Be Heard
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
The #Me Too Movement opened the door for voices of sexual abuse victims to be heard. If you’re a victim of sexual abuse, it’s very important to speak out. Here’s why: Scars Of Sexual Abuse Can Last A Lifetime Sexual abuse is a terrible violation and betrayal. You had no control. Couldn’t say “no.” You…
Overcoming Persistent Depression
It Isn’t Easy
Facing Your Fear Of Anger Helps
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
Want to overcome persistent depression? You don’t have to live with the fear of your anger any longer. Help is possible. If you’re stuck in cycles of depression that keep going on and on, you probably know very well that self-critical voice in your head that finds fault with you. You probably don’t know the…
What’s The Anxiety
In Eating Disorders
Really All About?
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
You might be wondering: Why is anxiety so often a part of an eating disorder? What’s the anxiety in eating disorders really all about? Are eating disorders anxiety disorders? These are good questions. The simple answer is this: No. Eating disorders aren’t specifically anxiety disorders, but anxiety often co-exists with problems in eating. The more…
Concerned Your Childhood Trauma
(That Includes Neglect)
Is Leaking Into Your Adult Life?
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
You haven’t been feeling yourself lately. And, you’ve been wondering: are you suffering from unresolved childhood trauma? You thought it was over. But, could your trauma be leaking into your adult life, making you feel everything is turned upside down? If that’s so, why now? “Why now” probably seems like the 60 million dollar question.…
What Is Effective
Childhood Sexual Abuse Therapy?
A Safe Place To Deal With Your Secrets
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
What is effective childhood sexual abuse therapy? You need to know. If you’re looking for help with childhood sexual abuse, you want to know what works. Maybe you’re looking for the first time. Or maybe therapy in the past has failed to help. You have secrets. That you know. But, does getting help mean you…
3 Ways Eating Disorders
Affect Your Life
& How To Find The Right Help
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
If you’ve been struggling with an eating disorder, maybe it’s time to get help. Eating disorders seriously affect your life. They risk your health, preoccupy you with your eating behaviors, and leave you with untreated psychological problems. These problems are the reasons for developing an eating disorder in the first place. Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge…
Keeping Childhood Trauma A Secret?
That Leads To Psychological Problems
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
You’ve kept your childhood trauma a secret out of shame and fear. There was no one safe to tell. Now, you don’t know who you can trust. If you open up, you’re afraid of being judged or punished. It’s a lonely way to live. Childhood trauma is devastating, no matter what form it takes. It…
Unblocking Creative Blocks
#1 Tip
Get That Bully Out Of Your Head!
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
Are you struggling with a creative block? Do you hear a voice in your head criticizing everything you think? Every idea you have? Or anything you’ve already tried? Here’s the #1 tip for unblocking creative blocks: Get that bully out of your head! Ok. It’s easier said than done. There’s no question about that. Maybe…
How Sexual Abuse Affects Self-Esteem
& How To Change That
By Dr. Sandra E. Cohen |
Sexual abuse is one of the most traumatic things that can happen to a child. If it happened to you, you live with one of its worst after-effects: low self-esteem. This article is on how sexual abuse affects self-esteem and how to change that. Feeling bad about yourself is a terrible thing to live with.…